Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Luis Gutierrez's Comment

I will be commenting on the sign that says, "Blame them for Everything". This sign shows an image of scary looking people as the background of the sign and with the words "Blame them for Everything" and " Hell" in very big words. This poster is promoting that essentially everything that is going on wrong with the country is the immigrant's fault. If you don't have a job, its telling you that an immigrant stole it from you. If your wife left you, its telling you that its because an immigrant swept her off her feet and took her from you. This image unjustly and ill mindedly says that all immigrants are bad and that they are creatures from hell. This picture doesn't say that only the Irish are bad or that just the Italians are bad it says that they are all bad and gives them a value of that of something faul and terrible like garbage or rats, just as an example.


  1. Luiz, good ideas. Notice how the image also resembles hell, with black, non-discernible faces surrounded by fire. By not giving them faces, they are divested of their identities and individuality and thus, can become part of a dehumanized mass - THEY.

  2. The distinction of a "they" is so important in regards to this rhetoric. It's very rare to see something written in such an outrageously hateful way without the subject being turned into a dehumanized "they"--partly because we can't. If we think of someone as human, it makes it incredibly difficult to fear or hate them as much. Thus, this dehumanization is done out of necessity in order to be able to be so cruel without remorse.
