Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jacob Calvillo's comment

I will be posting a comment regarding "the bloody countess." Has anyone seen the movie Stay Alive? It was a crap movie, but it had an okay way of telling the tale of Elizabeth Bathory. Why do you think that they chose her tale to use as the base of the movie?

1 comment:

  1. They probably used it to show evil in video games or technology. I know that sounds dumb, but if you look at it video games appearence draw us in and look very pleasing, just like Bathery with her school for young women looked pleasing and drew women into her catle. But underneath this fake disguise we all know she was murdering these girls. Maybe it was shown that video games are pleasing on the outside but they draw us in and try to kill the person who is active and not playing video games. They probably just used her story to use as a symbolic meaning because really the whole movie is about video games and how they die in the video game they die in real life
