Saturday, September 11, 2010

Irish vs Chinese

I will be commenting on the picture entitled "The great fear of the period that uncle sam would may be swallowed by foreigners. In the first scene, we all see easily the fear of the period; Uncle Sam is being swallowed by an Irish man on the left, and a Chinese man on the right. In the second scene, we see that the consumption of Uncle Sam is nearly complete, and the Irish man and the Chinese man are almost face to face, kind of looking at each other, waiting to see what's going to happen next. In the final and third scene, we see that the Chinese man has conquered the Irish man, is standing alone, with half an Irish man protruding from his mouth, and a new found hat on his head. In all these scenes, there is the evidence of a railroad behind the characters. I presume that this is probably the Transcontinental Railroad, where many Irish and Chinese were hired to complete the project. Finally, at the bottom of the picture is the words "Problem Solved". Now, I thought that this was totally ironic because in the very end, Uncle Sam is still not alive. He was still swallowed and is presumably dead, and now we have a Chinese immigrant left standing. If the fear of the period was that uncle sam would be "swallowed" by foreigners, then it does the people no good if uncle sam is still not alive. By the word swallowed, I am getting a sense of the immigrants invading and taking over jobs that the white men have so long had possession over. In addition, I am getting the sense that the picture itself, is not so much of a fear of uncle sam being swallowed, but more like a persuasion for employers to hire a majority of Chinese immigrants as opposed to Irish immigrants. The Irish have always had the stereotype of being drunk, and possessing foul language, which goes to say, that the Chinese are probably more easily bearable. I believe the picture is propaganda for people to hire more Chinese immigrants as opposed to Irish immigrants.

1 comment:

  1. What a smart read of the image! I think you're absolutely spot on. To take it a bit further, to be swallowed would also mean the death of... so, there's an air of finality about this.
