Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Alyssa Good's comment

I will be commenting on the “Harper Weekly: Journal of Civilization” post. This cartoon illustrates the struggle of African Americans and Irishmen. These two races were greatly discriminated against, and this cartoon portrays the fact that they were treated equally at the bottom of the social chain. This cartoon was made many years ago because of an immigration issue. At present, there is still an immigration issue, and other races are being put down on the same scale. I can personally consider this illustration to be a part of The Other because I have never been the immigrant or the race that was/is discriminated against. I can sympathize toward these people, but I cannot truly understand how they felt about the situation because of not having experience with immigrating or being a part of the minority.

1 comment:

  1. Great point about not being able to understand the struggle. I'm wondering--can these two "Others" sympathize with each other, or is there an eternal state of "Selfness" or "Otherness" that keeps every person/group from fully understanding another.
