Monday, October 18, 2010

My Technologyless Weekend Was Great

I met Professor Jha at the Casa Loma room for Kevin Driscoll's presentation about open access and Prya asked me how my weekend without technology was and I told her it was great because I have not accustomed myself to living a wired life. My weekend was great. Nothing really changed about it. I don't like to text so I don't have texting by choice. I also don't like to hear music all the time so I don't own an I Pod or other type of MP3. I do use email and facebook but I never really have a burning urge to use them very often. I like to live a very simple life. Today's current technologies are very complex and often very useful. However, I find things like texting, I Pods, super high tech cell phones, and other similar gadgets of leisure to be unecessary time wasters and life destroyers because they are making humans, a social and adventurous creature, very impersonal and anti-social as well as lazy and unproductive. I know that my views may be a little extreme for some people but I may have exagerated a bit. I know that there are other views out there. Maybe you love texting and I Pods and all those things so talk about it. It won't hurt my feelings if you disagree with me. Just give your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and disagree with you.. I feel like alot of the technology can make people very antisocial, like when people listen to their ipods or are texting instead of listening to the people they are with. But on the other hand I text because I want to get in touch with people. It makes it alot easier to meet up for lunch when you can just send a quick text asking if they want to go to lunch with you. But I totally see where you are coming from that alot of peolpe would rather sit at home and chat online rather than actually interacting with each other and interaction is a key characteristic in being a human.
