Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Bloody Countess totally freaked me out and the fact that it is real makes is even scarier! I think that Elizabeth Bathory was lost and confused with who she was. She had no idea who she was or who she wanted to be. She hid behind this evil creature that she has created. She feels like she is being internally tortured by not knowing who she is and to help her feel better she tortures others. Someone always feels better when they see someone else going through the same or greater pain that they are enduring. I think that watching the girls get tortured was her escape from her internal torture. There was a movie made in 2008 called Bathory and it made over 3 million dollars at the box office, maybe all the movie goers are trying to escape their internal tortures too.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this point makes sense and connects to something that was mentioned earlier in the class. As things get scarier in the real world for citizens (in government, etc) people attend horror movies more because it's a way to escape their worries or internal struggles they are dealing with at the moment.
